Sr.Agnes Benjamin

Dear Students, Parents, and Visitors,
Welcome to Carmelite Convent English High School, Vasai - (W), Sandor

A Righteous man will flourish like a palm tree even in the most difficult conditions - Because a righteous man has an Obedient will, a Courageous mind and a Compassionate heart. These three qualities so aptly describe our foundress, Venerable Mother Veronica of the Passion. Being assured of the fact that God provides us with a purpose and meaning in life, she risked her life to found the Congregation of Carmel. This year we celebrate the Bicentennial Birth Anniversary of Venerable Mother Veronica (1823-2023). We stand in awe of her because of her righteous life, through which she has always been a source of inspiration to us all. She is the Righteous Root that has nurtured the Congregation of Carmel, which has blossomed over the years, spreading the values of compassion, humility, politeness, generosity, empathy and charit.Today, we, her daughters, enjoy the blessings of this Righteous root.

Dear Parents, Well-wishers & Benefactors, I feel proud to state that we, at Carmelite, have completed 83 years of Service to the Society (1941 - 2023), providing quality education, promoting human values and fostering dignity and respect to all. Quality is never an accident; it's always the result of an intelligent execution of our efforts. Society has benefitted from our mission of education and has always appreciated our contribution towards its betterment.

Dear Parents and Teachers, we are all aware of the Chinese bamboo tree, a tiny sapling that lies dormant for four years to grow exponentially in the fifth year, developing a root system and a stable base, strong enough to support its potentialities for outward growth. Isn't there a similarity between the growth of the Chinese bamboo tree and the intellectual and spiritual growth of our children? The values of patience, perseverance, confidence, faith in one's potentialities and the numerous life lessons that we provide our children during their schooling years, are like the roots that go deep into their system, aiding in the realisation of their dreams and passions in order to live a more holistic life. I urge everyone that we teach our children to always remember their roots; they are the foundation of their lives and the wings of their future. Help them to water their roots, so that their souls can blossom. These are two important counsels that we can give to our children: WINGS - motivation to use their God-given talents to soar to greater heights. ROOTS - values to stay grounded and humble, untouched by the evils that prevail around, no matter how high they fly.

My dear parents and teachers, let's gear ourselves to be that spark that fires the enthusiasm of our children, drives their determination and propels them onward towards their goals. Thus, helping them to lead fruitful and happier lives, realising that they are Blessed and become a Blessing to other in return.

May our children enjoy the blessings Of Mother Veronica, our Righteous Root!

With warm regards,
Sr. Agnes Benjamin