- A pupil from private school seeking admission to this school, has to produce a Leaving Certificate of the previous school attended.
- The pupil seeking admission will have to give a written test and will be admitted only if found fit, for the class to which admission is sought.
- A pupil who has attended any recognised school cannot be admitted without a Leaving Certificate from the school previously attended and in the case of a pupil coming from schools outside Maharashtra state, the certificate must be countersigned by the Educational Inspector of the state from which she comes.
- Leaving certificate will be issued only on forwarding a written. application from Parents or Guardians. A months notice is required before the withdrawal of a child. Those who leave in April must pay their fees for May as well.
- If, for want of notice, a pupil's name is entered into the succeeding month, the fees for that month, has to be paid.
- No leaving certificate will be issued, unless all school dues are paid.