Brief History of the Congregation of the Carmelite Religious (C.C.R.)

We, the Congregation of Carmelite Religious are women consecrated to God under the patronage of the Blessed Mother of Mount Carmel motivated and inspired by the Zeal of our charismatic foundress, Mother Mary Veronica of the Passion. We carry on the apostolate of education and other works of mercy in many parts of the country and abroad.

Mother Veronica nee Sophie Leves was born of English Anglican parents on 1st October, 1823. In the happy, religious and cultured atmosphere, she received a liberal education. A highly accomplished woman of strong faith, fluent in Greek, French and German, she was a dedicated missionary and a committed educationist. Her search for truth led her on relentlessly. She joined the convent of St. Joseph of the Apparition in 1851. Sister Veronica later opted for the Cloistered Carmel at Pau in 1867.

St. Claudine Thevenet,
Pray for us.

Foundress of the Congregation of
Carmelite Convent School
How Good God Is!



We seek to kindle the fire of Divine Love in the hearts of men and women by promoting the values of the kingdom, provide relevant opportunities for holistic growth so that they turn reach out to humanity to bring fullness of life and harmony in society.



Creation of a new human society where equality, freedom, love, justice, peace and joy reign in eco friendly communion.



It was at the request of His Grace, the most Rev. Dr. Thomas Roberts S.J. Archbishop of Bombay, to Rev. Mother Mary Archange Superior General of the Carmelite Sisters of Trivandrum, that the Carmelite Convent, Sandor came to be founded.